What is Antimatter ? | HackThatCORE
What is Antimatter ? | HackThatCORE

Image Source: CERN
Antimatter is simply a matter having reversed electrical charge. Just like Anti-proton which is negatively charged proton.
So called Primordial Antimatter is not observed yet in the universe but similar antiparticles are continuously created mainly in the Large Hadron Collider at CERN, Switzerland. Large Hadron Collider is a type of Particle Accelerator lab at very large scale. These accelerators can even trap the anti particles for many days at a time.
But there is a contradiction in storing antimatter. As any other negative-positive couple, antimatter meeting up with matter could annihilate one another and leave behind other subatomic particles which can emit harmful radiations travelling at speed of light. Thus it is very important to take important precautions in keeping antimatter with ordinary matter.
Some important properties of antimatter:

Image Source: Steemitimages
Scientists has not discovered everything about antimatter but its some major properties are known yet:
- It is most expensive substance in the universe known in existence, Its cost is about $100 billion for just one milligram which is absolutely minimum for large-scale applications.
- There is a big confusion for scientists related to the formation of the antimatter. As previous theories said, Big Bang should have created antimatter and matter in equal amounts, but if something like this happened, then everything would have been destroyed in a bigger bang. However now scientists assume that there must have been one extra matter particle for every antimatter particle. Lot's of confusion in pre-existed theories.
- As most expected, May be Scientists has discovered a mysterious particle which is thought to be made of both matter and antimatter.
- One of the main property of the Antimatter is that it responds strongly to Gravity with the same effect as the normal matter shows. We can thought more about on this as antimatter and matter have same mass but differ in properties like cherge and spinning properties.
As thought by scientists, we always have several forms of antimatter around us. Like the food we eat produces antimatter in the form of positron at a rate of about one positron every 75 minutes. Even our body produce positrons continuously. The good thing is that the positrons around us are not so much stable and radioactive to survive and react with matter and explode us. We can think it out as if all the positrons annihilated by humans are collected then it produce rarely so much energy to make a cup of coffee for you. This really gave us a breathe of relief.
But the violation of forces dealing the matter and antimatter is quite confusing. According to scientists, in early 1960s, they found that the weak force is not quite symmetrical in its dealings with matter and antimatter, resulting in something called as CP violation.
Its true that we are safe but it is not permanent. In 2009, antimatter triggered the largest explosion ever recorded in the known universe.
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