
Showing posts from 2018

Complete introduction to Microcontrollers Tutorial 2 - Microcontrollers at a next level

Weirdest Programming Languages - Funniest Programming Techniques

Complete introduction to Microcontrollers - Microcontrollers at a next level

Computer Bus is pathway for data to flow between CPU, RAM and I/O devices

Biometrics is classification system by physical measurements

Bioinformatics is interdisciplinary field for studying biological data.

Bell, C. Gordon American Computer Engineer and Designer

Glossary of CSE Part 14 - Bayesian Analysis | HackTHatCORE

Legends of Technology - Babbage, Charles | HackTHatCORE

Legends of Technology - Atanasoff, John Vincent | HackTHatCORE

Assembler enables developers to manage hardware architecture and component

Arithmetic Logic Unit is Combinational Digital Electronic Circuit

Glossary of Computer Science and Engineering Part 11 - Application Programming Interface | HackTHatCORE