Microprocessors | HackThatCORE
Microprocessors | HackThatCORE

Image Source: Supinfo
A Microprocessor is a fourth generation computer or an advanced integrated circuit which incorporates various operations for the computer's Central Processing Unit. Microprocessor is a type of silicon chip which contains millions of components like Capacitors, transistors, resistors and diodes that operates on binary data as it inputs the data in binary form and process it accordingly to give the desired output information. Microprocessor is invented in early 1990s to be used in Embedded Systems.
A microprocessor is the main operating device of the computer which contains three main components viz. Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU), Control Unit (CU) and Register Array. Each component is responsible for specific task. These three components have their different tasks. ALU is responsible for all the arithmetic and logical tasks to be done by the microprocessor. Resistor Array is a series of registers which are responsible for fast and temporary access to memory locations to perform tasks and processing data and information. Control Unit controls the flow of data and information through the system (Microprocessor).
A microprocessor works in the form of three basic processes like any other computer work, these are Fetch, Decode and Execute. Fetch process copies the data or information about the task from the computer's memory to the microprocessor. Decode process find out the task to be done by the microprocessor from the given data or information. In execute process, microprocessor performs the task.
Advantages of Microprocessors:
- Low Cost
- High Speed
- Small size
- Versatile
- Low Power Consumption
- Less Heat Generation
- Reliable
- Portable
Microprocessors are so cheap because it consists of the Integrated Circuits.
Microprocessors are very fast computing devices. It can perform millions of instructions per second.
Microprocessors occupy very small space due to its large integration technology and advanced fabrication.
Microprocessors can be used in very large number of devices just by changing the program.
Microprocessors are usually made up of MOSFET technology, which consumes very less power.
Microprocessors are semicondutor devices which does not emit so much heat as compared to the Vacuum tube technology.
Microprocessors are very reliable as the failure rate is very low.
Microprocessors consisting devices are very portable due to its power efficiency and other features.
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