List of Useful CMD Commands - Part 3 | HackThatCORE
List of Useful CMD Commands - Part 3 | HackThatCORE

Image Source: PCMech
Hello Friends, Today I am going to complete the remaining list of all the useful command of CMD i.e., Command Prompt.
- rasdial => Display Remote Access Service Status.
- rasphone => Manage RAS connections.
- rcp => Copy files to a computer running remote shell service.
- recover => Recover readable data from a defective disk.
- reg => Display/add/change registry keys and values in Windows registry.
- regedit => Import/export/delete settings from a .reg text file.
- regsvr32 => Used to register/unregister a DLL file.
- regini => Used to change registry permissions.
- relog => Export performance counters to other formats like TSV, CSV, SQL.
- rem => Add comments in batch file.
- ren => Used to rename a file.
- replace => Used to replace a file.
- reset session => Used to reset a remote desktop session.
- rexec => Run commands on remote machines running Rexec service.
- rd => Used to delete a folder.
- rmdir => Used to delete a folder
- rmtshare => Manage file and printer shares local or remote servers.
- robocopy => Used to copy files and folders that have changed.
- route => Display/change the local IP routing table.
- rsh => Run commands on remote servers running RSH service.
- rsm => Manage media resources using Removable storage.
- runas => Run a program as a different user.
- rundll32 => Used to run a DLL program
- sc => Use Service Controller to manage Windows services.
- shtasks => Schedule command to run at a specific time.
- secedit => Configure system security.
- set => Display/set/remove environment variables in cmd.
- setlocal => Control visibility of environment variables in a batch file.
- setspn => Manage Service Principal Names for an Active Directory service account.
- setx => Set Environment variabes permanently.
- sfc => System file Checker.
- share => List/edit a file share or print on any computer.
- shellrunas => used to run a command as a different user.
- shift => Change the position of the batch parameters in a batch file.
- shortcut => Create a Windows shortcut.
- shutdown => Shutdown the computer.
- sleep => Put computer to sleep for speccified number of seconds.
- slmgr => Software Licensing Management tool for activation and KMS.
- sort => Used to sort and display a redirected or piped input.
- start => Start a program, command, or batch file.
- strings => Find ANSI and UNICODE strings in binary files.
- subinacl => Display/modify ACEs for file and folder permissions.
- subst => Associate a path with a drive letter.
- sysmon => Monitor and log system activity to Windows event log.
- systeminfo => Display detailed configuration information about the computer.
- takeown => Used to take the ownership of a file.
- taskkill => Used to terminate one or more running processes.
- tasklist => Display a list of running apps and services.
- tcmsetup => Enable/disable TAPI client.
- telnet => Communicate with a remote machine using TELNET protocol.
- tftp => Transfer files to and from a remote machine running TFTP protocol.
- time => Display/change system time.
- timeout => Delay a batch file execution for specified seconds.
- title => Change the text on top of CMD window.
- touch => Change file timestamps.
- tracerpt => Process event trace logs and generate trace analysis report.
- tracert => Trace route to a remote host by sending messages.
- tree => Display a folder structure in the form of a graphical tree.
- tsdiscon => Terminate a remote desktop connection.
- tskill => terminate a running process on a RD Session Host server.
- tssutdn => Shutdown/reboot a terminal server remotely.
- type => Show contents of a text file.
- typeperf => Write performance data to a CMD window or a log file.
- tzutil => Time Zone Utility
- unlodctr => Remove performance counter names and explain text for a service from a registry.
- ver => Show version number of installed OS.
- verify => Verify whether files are saved correctly on the disk.
- vol => Show disk volume label and serial number.
- vssadmin => Show shadow copy backups, installed shadow copy writers and providers.
- w32tm => Access Windows Time Service Utility.
- waitfor => Used to synchronise events between networked computers.
- wevtutil => Retrieve information about event logs and publishers.
- where => Find and display file in the current directory.
- whoami => Display information about the active user.
- windiff => Compare contents of two files or sets of files.
- winrm => Windows Remote Management.
- winrs => Windows Remote Shell.
- wmic => Windows Management Instrumentation Command
- wuauclt => Windows Update Agent to download new update files.
- xcals => Change ACLs for files and folders.
- xcopy => Copy files or directory trees to another folder.
That's all...
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