List of Useful CMD Commands - Part 2 | HackThatCORE
List of Useful CMD Commands - Part 2 | HackThatCORE
Image Source: Lifewire
Hello Friends, Today I am going to complete the Part 2 of the remaining list of all the useful command of CMD i.e., Command Prompt.
- help => Display a list of commands and see online information for them.
- hostname => Used to display hostname of the computer.
- icacls => Used to change permissions of files and folders.
- iexpress => Used to create a self-extracting zip archive.
- if => Used for conditional processing in batch programs.
- ifmember => Display the group, an active user belongs to.
- inuse => Replace the files which the OS is currently using (restart required).
- ipconfig => Display and change Windows IP configuration.
- ipseccmd => Used to configure IP security policies.
- ipxroute => Display and modify routing table information used by IPX protocol.
- irftp => Used to send files over an infrared link (infrared functionality required).
- label => Used to change the name of a disk.
- lodctr => Update registry values with latest performance counters.
- logman => Used to manage performance monitor logs.
- logoff => Log a user off.
- logtime => Add the date, time and a message to a text file.
- lpq => Displays print queue status
- lpr => Used to send a file to a computer running the Line Printer Daemon Service.
- macfile => Manage files server for Mackintosh.
- makecab => Used to create .cab files.
- mapisend => Used to send email from command line.
- mbsacli => Microsoft Baseline Security analyzer.
- mem => Used to show memory usage.
- md => Used to create directories and sub-directories.
- mkdir => Used to create directories.
- mklink => Used to create symbolic link to a directory.
- mmc => Access Microsoft Management Console.
- mode => Configure COM, LPT, CON system devices.
- more => Display one screen of output at time.
- mountvol => Create, list or delete a volume mount point.
- move => Used to move files from one folder to another.
- moveuser => Move user accounts to a domain or between machines.
- msg => Used to send a pop-up message to a user.
- msiexec => Install, modify, configure using Windows installer.
- msinfo32 => Display system information.
- mstsc => Create a remote desktop connection.
- nbstat => Display NetBIOS over TCP/IP information.
- net => Used to manage network resource and services.
- netdom => Network Domain Manager utility.
- netsh => Display or modify network configurations.
- netstat => Display active TCP/IP connections.
- nlsinfo => Used to display locale information.
- nltest => List domain controllers, force remote shutdown, etc.
- now => Display date and time.
- nslookup => Check IP address on a Name Server.
- ntbackup => Backup data to tape using CMD or batch file.
- ntcmdprompt => Runs cmd.exe instead of command.exe in an MS-DOS application.
- ntdsutil => Manage Active Directory Domain Services.
- ntrights => Used to edit user account privileges.
- ntsd => Only for system developers.
- nvspbind => Used to modify network bindings.
- openfiles => Queries or displays open files.
- pagefileconfig => Display and configure Virtual memory settings.
- path => Set PATH environment variable for executable files.
- pathping => Latency and Packet loss info for each node in the network path.
- pause => Used to stop processing of a batch file.
- pbadmin => Starts Phone Book Administrator.
- pentnt => Detect Floating Point Division error in the Pentium chip.
- perform => Access performance monitor in CMD
- perms => Display a user's ACL permissions for a file.
- ping => Test network connection to a computer.
- popd => Go to the latest path/folder stored by PUSHD command.
- portqry => Display TCP and UDP port status.
- powercfg => Used to configure power settings and know battery health.
- print => Used to print a text file from cmd.
- printbrm => For backup/recovery/migration of the print queue.
- prncnfg => Used to configure/rename a printing device.
- prndrvr => List/add/delete printer drivers.
- prnjobs => List/pause/resume/cancel print jobs.
- prnmngr => List/add/delete printers,display/set default printer.
- prnport => List/create/delete TCP printer ports display/change port configuration.
- prnqctl => Clear printer queue, print a test page.
- procdump => Monitor system for CPU spikes, generate a crash report during a spike.
- prompt => Used to change the prompt in CMD.
- psexec => Run a CMD process on a remote computer.
- psfile => Display remotely opened files, close an open file.
- psinfo => List system information about a local/remote machine.
- pskill => Kill a process using its name or process ID.
- pslist => Display process status and info about active processes.
- psloggedon => See active users on machine.
- psloglist => Display event log records.
- pspasswd => Used to change account password.
- psping => Used to measure network performance.
- psservice => Display and control services on a machine.
- psshutdown => Shutdown/restart/logoff/lock a local or remote machine.
- pssuspend => Used to suspend a process on a local or remote computer.
- pushd => Change current folder and store previous folder for use by POPD.
- qgrep => Search file for a given string pattern.
- query process or qprocess => Display information about processes.
continued... Part 3
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