Wierd Facts about Universe Part-2 | HackTHatCORE
Wierd Facts about Universe Part-2 | HackThatCORE

Dark Matter could also be a special form of neutrino, which is tricky, because neutrinos are already special. They come in different flavours (electron, muon and tau), and they can shift between flavours as they travel through space. Plus, they're minimally interactive and super-light. Dark matter neutrinos, if they exist, are the neutrino's much heavier cousin. Called Sterile neutrino, they're predicted to interact with normal matter only when they flip between flavours.
According to Computer simulations and Astrophysicists, Neptune-like planets can transform into rocky planets or Super Earths by outbursts of Gamma rays generated by the nearby Supermassive Black Hole.
The Event Horizon Telescope has measured the magnetic fields of Sgr A* Black Hole with a resolution six times the size of the event horizon (6 Schwarzschild radii). It found the fields in the disk to be disorderly, with jumbled loops and whorls resembling interwined spaghetti. In contrast, other regions showed a much more organized pattern, possibly in the region where jets would be generated.
Stephen Hawking's voice has been beamed to the nearest Black Hole "1A 0620-00" (3457 light years away) by ESA!
Physicists generated entanglement 40 times a second between two electrons at a distance of two metres. Researchers at Qutech used a method in which two separated electrons existing in an undecided state are each hit with a photon. The two photons are then combined into a single wave and interpreted, revealing information about the states of the two electrons. If all goes well, the electrons can be considered entangled.
They have succeeded in generating entanglement between two Quantum chips faster than the entanglement is lost.
Dark Matter is thought to be of two main types: Baryonic and Exotic. Baryonic matter makes up the luminous portions of the Universe. Dark Baryonic matter is made up of atoms of the familiar chemical elements which are simply bound into intrinsically low-luminous objects such as planets, brown dwarfs and black holes. Exotic dark matter may be Cold dark matter or Hot dark matter. Hot dark matter is composed of particles such as Neutrinos which have a small whereas Cold dark matter comprises Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs). These have relatively large masses, travel relatively slowly and interact only weakly with Normal baryonic matter.
The Higgs Boson has been detected again by the Large Hadron Collider. Physicists at LHC have detected the famous Higgs Boson - a particle just like a photon which interacts with other fundamental particles within a special effect called 'Higgs field' and provides them their mass - this time having a rare interaction with the heavy top quark!
The matter in the Universe is made out of positive energy.However, the matter is all attracring itself by gravity. Two pieces of matter that are close to each other have less energy that the same two pieces a long way apart, because you have to expend energy to separate them against the gravitational force that is pulling them together.
Largest Black hole in the Universe is TON 618. Its mass is 66 Billion solar masses. It is of Quasar Type. Its distance from Earth is 10.4 billion light years. Its Diameter is 1300 Astronomical Units (AUs). Its Luminosity is equal to 140 trillion our suns.
Jupiter's moon Europa is thought to have a hidden, 2.6 ZettaLitre Ocean which is twice as much liquid water as Earth has.
Researchers have identified 121 gas giants within the Goldilocks zones of their respective stars. They would definitely be having moon orbiting just like Jupiter and Saturn which might support life to evolve.
Neutrino Decoupling is an event that is supposed to have taken place just one second after the Big Bang. At this time the density of matter in the expanding Universe had fallen far enough for Neutrinos no longer to be subjected to constant interactions with other particles.
If a Supermassive Black Hole weighing a million Suns comes close to 1000 light years from us, it would start to disrupt the orbit of Solar System around the galaxy.
To be continued...
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