Microprocessors vs Microcontrollers | HackThatCORE
Microprocessors vs Microcontrollers | HackThatCORE

Image Source: wiseGEEK
Microprocessor is a chip consists of Arithmetic Logic Unit, Registors, and Conrol Unit.
Microcontroller is an integrated electronic computing device that includes three major components on a single chip:
- Microprocessor
- Memory
- I/O Ports
These combined called as Microcontroller. Moicrocontroller also contain some supporting devices which are Timers, Analog to Digital Converters and Serial I/O Ports. It also contains Common Communication Lines. To connect the various components in a microcontroller, Common Communication Lines are used which are known as System Bus.
The Central Processing Unit (CPU) or Microprocessor is a stand alone device where Random Access Memory (RAM), Read Only Memory (ROM) and other Input-Output(I/O) devices, timer are separately connnected.
The designer of Microprocessor can decide the amount of ROM, RAM adn I/O Ports that need to be included due to which, its cost may vary.
But In case of Microcontrollers, fixed amount of RAM, ROM and I/O Ports are already installed which tends it to have fixed cost. But Microcontrollers have drawbacks too as they are single-purpose computers mainly used for control-oriented purposes whereas Microprocessors can be used anywhere due to their versatility as we all know already.
Besides This, Microcontrollers have low processing than that of Microprocessors. They also have comparatively Lower Power Consumption. They have bit-level operation and the Intruction sets mainly focuses on bit level Operation.
Microcontrollers are generally available in 8/16 bit configurations whereas Microprocessors consists of 32/64 bit configurations generally. Microcontrollers generally have single stages of Processes whereas microprocessors have typically deep pipeline (Sometime contains upto 20 stages).
Now, that's enough for a basic introduction of Microcontrollers and its common differences from Microprocessors. More about Microcontrollers and Microprocessors are coming soon in the further posts.
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