Wierd Facts about Universe Part-1 | HackThatCORE
Wierd Facts about Universe Part-1 | HackThatCORE

Image Source: Brilliant
Ekpyrotic Universe : Branes are spatially extended objects appearing in String Theory, where a 1-brane is a string and there are higher-order branes. Our world might be a three- dimensional brane, embedded in a higher dimension. There may be other three-dimensional worlds embedded in extra dimensions, and one of these might be anti-matter, an anti-brane. The result of a brane and an anti-brane collision would be fairly dramatic, and what was left over would become a Universe.
Researchers has calculated that the maximum mass of a non-rotaing neutron star cannot exceed 2.16 solar masses with an accuracy of a few percent. If even just a single neutron were added, it would collapse into a Black Hole!
According to scientists, the temperature, pressure and chemistry of the atmosphere 30 miles above ground may be just right for vast colonies of otherworldly bacteria to survive on Venus.
There is an invisible magnetic "tail" of Mars that is twisted by interaction with the Solar wind. This Magnetotail of Mars is unique in the Solar System!
For the first time, Complex Organic molecules needed to host alien life discovered on Saturn's moon Enceladus. We have just found large organic molecules rich in Carbon - which is one of the most important ingredient for origin of life - on Enceladus erupting as the plumes of salty water from the Enceladus' ocean. Scientists think there might be aquatic life beneath the icy surface of ocean getting warmth from the Hydrothermal vents!
According to scientists, under some conditions, hydrocarbon ice can form on the liquid hydrocarbon sea of Saturn's moon Titan!
A Tachyon is a theoretical particle that always travel faster than light. Because a tachyon would move faster than light, an observer would never be able to see a tachyonic particle coming. They would see it when it hit their position, and then the particle would break into two images; one of the tachyon's light arriving from the past and the other of the tachyon's light leaving in the present.
According to a new study, about 3 billion years ago, Mars had a Global ocean covering its entire surface for about centimetres!
If you are inside a Black Hole and look away from the center, you will see two images of everything -- one from T hours in the past and one from T hours in the future. For nearby objects, these two images will look just the same, since T will be very small due to the large speed of light. For faraway objects, though, they could be completely different.
If the Quasar S5 0014+81 which has a mass of 40 billion Suns were 18 million times as far away as our Sun (280 light years from Earth), it would shine as bright as our Sun does!
It is estimated that in the next 100 billion years, all stars within the Local Group - the part of the Universe that includes a total of 54 galaxies, including the Milky Way - will expand beyond the cosmic horizon. At this point, these stars will no longer be observable, but inaccessible - meaning that no advanced civilization will be able to harness their energy.
Researchers used data from the Very Large Telescope in Chile to measure how fast the stars were moving in E325 (500 million light years away) - this let them infer how much mass there must be in E325 to hold these stars in orbit. Then they compared this mass to the strong lensing image (gravitational lensing) separations that they observed with the Hubble Space telescope and the result was just what GR predicts with 9 percent precision. This is the most precise extrasolar test of General Relativity to date, from just one galaxy!
Twice every 29 and a half years Saturn appears ringless. This is an optical illusion: Earthlings cannot see Saturn's rings when the rings are edge-on as viewed from Earth. They are barely visible through powerful telescopes.
To be continued...
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