Glossary of Computer Science and Engineering Part 8 - Analog computer | HackTHatCORE

Analog computer
Most natural phenomena are analog rather than digital in
nature (see analog and digital ). But just as mathematical
laws can describe relationships in nature, these relation-
ships in turn can be used to construct a model in which
natural forces generate mathematical solutions. This is the
key insight that leads to the analog computer.
The simplest analog computers use physical components
that model geometric ratios. The earliest known analog
computing device is the Antikythera Mechanism. Con-
structed by an unknown scientist on the island of Rhodes
around 87 b . c ., this device used a precisely crafted differen-
tial gear mechanism to mechanically calculate the interval
between new moons (the synodic month). (Interestingly,
the differential gear would not be rediscovered until 1877.)
Another analog computer, the slide rule, became the
constant companion of scientists, engineers, and students until it was replaced by electronic calculators in the 1970s.
Invented in simple form in the 17th century, the slide rule’s
movable parts are marked in logarithmic proportions,
allowing for quick multiplication, division, the extraction
of square roots, and sometimes the calculation of trigono-
metric functions.
The next insight involved building analog devices that
set up dynamic relationships between mechanical move-
ments. In the late 19th century two British scientists, James
Thomson and his brother Sir William Thomson (later Lord
Kelvin) developed the mechanical integrator, a device
that could solve differential equations. An important new
principle used in this device is the closed feedback loop,
where the output of the integrator is fed back as a new
set of inputs. This allowed for the gradual summation or
integration of an equation’s variables. In 1931, V annevar
B ush completed a more complex machine that he called a
“differential analyzer.” Consisting of six mechanical inte-
grators using specially shaped wheels, disks, and servo-
mechanisms, the differential analyzer could solve equations
in up to six independent variables. As the usefulness and
applicability of the device became known, it was quickly
replicated in various forms in scientific, engineering, and
military institutions.
These early forms of analog computer are based on fixed
geometrical ratios. However, most phenomena that scien-
tists and engineers are concerned with, such as aerodynam-
ics, fluid dynamics, or the flow of electrons in a circuit,
involve a mathematical relationship between forces where
the output changes smoothly as the inputs are changed. The
“dynamic” analog computer of the mid-20th century took
advantage of such force relationships to construct devices
where input forces represent variables in the equation, and nature itself “solves” the equation by producing a resulting
output force.
In the 1930s, the growing use of electronic circuits
encouraged the use of the flow of electrons rather than
mechanical force as a source for analog computation. The
key circuit is called an operational amplifier. It generates
a highly amplified output signal of opposite polarity to the
input, over a wide range of frequencies. By using compo-
nents such as potentiometers and feedback capacitors, an
analog computer can be programmed to set up a circuit in
which the laws of electronics manipulate the input voltages
in the same way the equation to be solved manipulates its
variables. The results of the calculation are then read as a
series of voltage values in the final output.
Starting in the 1950s, a number of companies mar-
keted large electronic analog computers that contained
many separate computing units that could be harnessed
together to provide “real time” calculations in which the
results could be generated at the same rate as the actual
phenomena being simulated. In the early 1960s, NASA set
up training simulations for astronauts using analog real-
time simulations that were still beyond the capability of
digital computers.
Gradually, however, the use of faster processors and
larger amounts of memory enabled the digital computer to
surpass its analog counterpart even in the scientific pro-
gramming and simulations arena. In the 1970s, some hybrid
machines combined the easy programmability of a digital
“front end” with analog computation, but by the end of that
decade the digital computer had rendered analog computers
- “Analog Computers.” Computer Museum, University of Amster- dam. Available online. URL: museum/AnalogComputers.html. Accessed April 18, 2007.
- Hoeschele, David F., Jr. Analog-to-Digital and Digital-to-Analog Conversion Techniques. 2nd ed. New York: John Wiley, 1994.
- Vassos, Basil H., and Galen Ewing, eds. Analog and Computer Elec- tronics for Scientists. 4th ed. New York: John Wiley, 1993.
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